Grape Info

It is a wonderful experience to visit a vineyard to see the beautiful grapes hanging down in the form of clusters. They are of different colors and each has its own medicinal value and health benefits. The cultivation of this fruit began 8000 years back in the North–East and it is still being cultivated and exported to different parts of the world. The tartaric acid present in this fruit helps in severe constipation and also aids in lowering ones blood pressure.

It is available in many colors like crimson, green, orange, yellow, and pink and crimson. One of the prime products out of this fruit is the wine. It helps in the making of wine which is good for stomach ailments. They are a good source of vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin K, riboflavin, thiamin and pyridoxine and so there are lots of health benefits which fight against cancer, Alzheimer disease and other viral and fungal infections.

Grapes Info

Health benefits of Grape

Prevents Brain Damage

University of Switzerland has done a research on brain-protecting ability and they have found that the brain-damaging plaques and free radicals have been linked to Alzheimer's disease and it can be minimized by resveratrol. Resveratrol is a type of natural phenol and a phytoalexin which are available in abundance in grapes. It is a powerful nutrient referred to as "Reverse-it-all" by many health practitioners.

Prevents cardiovascular problems

The powerful nutrient in the grapes is responsible for lowering the blood pressure and to relax the walls of the blood vessels by enlarging the diameter of it for a proper flow of blood throughout the body. Researchers have found that consuming grapes results in dramatic reduction in heart-attack risk factors. It is responsible for dilating the blood in order to avoid blocks in hearts. Pterostilbene is a compound present in grapes responsible to maintain the cholesterol levels.

Protects from Skin Cancer and Harmful radiations

Resveratrol is found in the skin of red grapes and they protect the skin from damaging UVB rays of the sun, thereby protecting it against skin cancer. They also safeguard the body against harmful radiations and protect the skin from skin diseases and allergies. Even scars that are caused due to acne can be lightened by using green grapes. This fruits speeds up the metabolic activity in our body giving youthful and radiant appearances.

Prevents Hair fall

This fruit helps to increase the blood circulation in the scalp and encourages hair growth. The grape seed oil which is extracted from the seeds of grapes is odorless green oil, having a light and non-greasy texture. This gets absorbed into the scalp easily, making hair soft, shiny and healthy. It is used even to combat seborrheic dermatitis and other dandruff problems by removing the dry flakes from the scalp.

Grape Nutrition Facts